Music to Born Again Old Hymn Music

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This collection of 500+ Popular and Most Sung Christian Traditional Church Hymns and Songs is not intended for any one particular denomination as the songs included are those that appear in hymnals intended for many different denominations.

The object has been to provide a collection of ready made PowerPoint files suitable for use in places of worship where PowerPoint lyric projection is used.

About the PowerPoints.

The slides are in the 16:9 aspect ratio. To make the slide highly customisable "slide masters" have been used to allow for easy customisation.


Load the required PPTX file into PowerPoint, click on the "view" tab, then on "Slide Master". The master slide titled "Title Page 1 Style no Intro" sets the appearance of the show title page and can be edited to suit your needs. Likewise the "Hymn Lyrics Page" can be edited to change the font, background colour etc. - you may also want to replace the footer with your CCLI license number. When you have finished click on the "close master view" button. Now click on the "design" tab and then on the down twirly at the right end of the themes strip, from here you will be able to save your changes as a new theme which you can then apply to other shows without having to edit the masters again.


Many of these hymns have been converted to videos with orchestral backing music on my YouTube channel, the video link below will take you to the playlist for these hymns.


Most of the songs on this site are in the public domain or traditional categories, however this cannot be guaranteed, and should you wish to use them as a basis of a performance or for any non-personal study purpose you are advised to contact the copyright holders (where available, copyright info has been included with the song). These transcriptions are made by many different individuals from all over the world for their own research and instruction, and as such are liable to great variation in interpretation and opinion. They are being shared on this site for educational purposes only, please see our copyright page for more info.

Some of the songs extend to several screens. To avoid slow to load pages only the first page is displayed, in these cases you will need to DOWNLOAD the PDF file to see all the song pages.

Should you need version of the song, for printing (without banners or adverts) an PDF file is available for downloading by the link at the bottom of the song pages..

For Christian song books and Sheet Music to buy check the
Christian Collection at Sheet Music Plus

Available songs in this section, to view the songs choose the initial letter of the title from the nav-bar at the top of this page.

A Beautiful Life
A Call To Prayer
A Charge To Keep I Have
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
A Parting Hymn We Sing
A Wonderful Saviour
Abide With Me Fast Falls The Eventide
Ah Holy Jesus How Hast Thou Offended
Alas And Did My Savior Bleed
All Creatures Of Our God And King
All For Jesus
All Glory Laud And Honor
All Hail The Power
All My Hope On God Is Founded
All People That On Earth Do Dwell
All That I Am I Owe To Thee
All The Way My Savior Leads Me
All Things Bright And Beautiful
All To Jesus I Surrender(i Surrender All)
Alleluia Alleluia Hearts To Heaven And Voices Raise
Alleluia Alleluia Let The Holy Anthem Rise
Alleluia Sing To Jesus
Almost Persuaded
Am I A Soldier Of The Cross
Amazing Grace
America The Beautiful
An Evening Hymn(All Praise To Thee My God)
Ancient Of Days
And Can It Be That I Should Gain
Angel Band
Angel Voices Ever Singing
Are Ye Able Said The Master
Are You Washed In The Blood
Art Thou Weary
As With Gladness Men Of Old
Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know
At Calvary(Years I Spent In Vanity)
At The Cross(Hudson)
At The Name Of Jesus
Ave Maria
Battle Hymn Of The Republic
Be Glorified
Be Not Afraid
Be Not Dismayed Whateer Betide
Be Still And Know That I Am God
Be Still My Soul For God Is Near
Be Still My Soul
Be Still
Be Thou My Vision
Before The Throne Of God Above
Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
Beyond The Sunset
Blessed Assurance
Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord
Blessed Jesus At Thy Word
Blessed Quietness(Joys Are Flowing)
Blest Be The Tie That Binds
Bread Of The World In Mercy Broken
Break Forth O Beauteous Heavenly Light
Break Thou The Bread Of Life
Breathe On Me Breath Of God
Brethren We Have Met To Worship
Brightest And Best Of The Sons Of The Morning
By And By(Crosby)
By And By(Rexford)
By Faith And Not By Sight
By Faith In Christ I Walk With God
Children Go Where I Send Thee
Children Of The Heavenly Father
Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today Hallelujah
Christ Whose Glory Fills The Skies
Come Christians Join To Sing
Come Down O Love Divine
Come Every Soul By Sin Oppressed
Come Holy Spirit Lord Our God
Come Thou Almighty King
Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Come We That Love The Lord
Come Ye Faithful Raise The Strain
Come Ye Sinners Poor And Needy
Come Ye Thankful People Come
Come Ye That Love The Lord
Comfort Comfort Ye My People
Count Your Blessings
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Day By Day
Day Is Dying In The West
Dear Jesus I Long To Be Perfectly Whole
Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind
Does Jesus Care
Down At The Cross
Down To The River To Pray
Drifting Too Far From The Shore
Dying With Jesus(moment By Moment)
Earth And All Stars Loud Rushing Planets
El Shaddai(myland)
Eternal Father Strong To Save
Face To Face
Fairest Lord Jesus(Crusaders Hymn)
Faith Is The Victory(encamped Along The Hills Of Light)
Faith Of Our Fathers
Farther Along
Father Hear The Prayer We Offer
Fight The Good Fight
For All The Saints Who From Their Labours Rest
For The Beauty Of The Earth
Free From The Law
From Every Stormy Wind
Gather Us In Thou Love That Fillest All
Give Of Your Best To The Master
Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken
Glory Be To The Father
Glory To God
Glory To His Name
God Be With You
God Is Here And That To Bless Us
God Is Love Let Heaven Adore Him
God Leads Us Along
God Moves In A Mysterious Way
God My Hope On You Is Founded
God Of Grace And God Of Glory
God Of Our Fathers Known Of Old
God Of Our Fathers The Strength Of Our People
God Of Our Fathers Unto Thee
God Will Take Care Of You(Crosby)
God Will Take Care Of You(Martin)
Good Christian Men Rejoice
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer
Hail Redeemer King Divine
Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise(Wesley)
Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise
Hail To The Lords Anointed
Hallelujah Chorus
Hallelujah What A Saviour
Hark The Glad Sound
Hark The Voice Of Jesus Calling
Have Thine Own Way
Have You Been To Jesus For The Cleansing Power
He Hideth My Soul
He Is Coming Again
He Leadeth Me O Blessed Thought
He Lives
He The Pearly Gates Will Open(Love Divine So Great)
He Who Would Valiant Be
Hear Our Prayer O Lord
Heaven Came Down
Here Is Love
Hes Got The Whole World In His Hands
Higher Ground
Hills Of The North Rejoice
His Eye Is On The Sparrow
Holy Bible Book Divine
Holy Ghost With Light Divine A Reed
Holy God We Praise Thy Name
Holy Holy Holy
Holy Spirit Ever Dwelling
How Firm A Foundation Ye Saints Of The Lord
How Shall I Sing That Majesty
How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds
I Am Free
I Am Resolved
I Am So Glad That Our Father In Heaven
I Am Thine O Lord
I Can Hear My Saviour Calling
I Gave My Life For Thee
I Have A Savior Hes Pleading In Glory
I Have Decided To Follow Jesus
I Have Found A Friend In Jesus Hes Everything To Me
I Hear The Savior Say(Jesus Paid It All)
I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say
I Know Not Why Gods Wondrous Grace
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
I Love Thy Kingdom Lord
I Love To Tell The Story
I Must Need Go Home By The Way Of The Cross
I Must Tell Jesus
I Need Thee Every Hour
I Sing Th Almighty Power Of God
I Stand Amazed
I Surrender All
I Vow To Thee My Country
I Want Jesus To Walk With Me
I Was Sinking Deep In Sin(Love Lifted Me)
I Will Praise Him Hallelujah
I Will Sing Of My Redeemer
I Will Sing The Wondrous Story
I Would Be Like Jesus(Earthly Pleasures Vainly Call Me)
I'd Rather Be An Old Time Christian
I'd Rather Have Jesus
If Thou But Suffer God To Guide Thee
If You Are Tired Of The Load Of You Sin
I'll Follow Jesus
I'll Go In The Strength Of The Lord
I'm Pressing On The Upward Way
Immortal Invisible
In Christ There Is No East Or West
In Heavenly Love Abiding
In Loving Kindness Jesus Came
In Shady Green Pastures(God Leads Us Along)
In The Cross Of Christ I Glory
In The Family Of God
In The Garden(i Come To The Garden Alone)
In The Hour Of Trial
It Is Well With My Soul
It May Be At Morn When The Day Is Awaking
I've Been Redeemed By The Blood Of The Lamb
I've Been Redeemed Through Blood Of The Lamb
I've Found A Friend O Such A Friend
I've Found A Friend Who Is All To Me(Saved)
I've Wandered Far Away From God(lord I'm Coming Home)
Jesu Joy Of Mans Desiring
Jesus Calls Us
Jesus Came The Heavens Adoring
Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
Jesus I Am Resting Resting
Jesus I My Cross Have Taken
Jesus Is All The World To Me
Jesus Is Tenderly Calling
Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross
Jesus Lover Of My Soul
Jesus Loves Me This I Know
Jesus Never Fails(earthly Friends May Prove Untrue)
Jesus Paid It All
Jesus Priceless Treasure
Jesus Savior Pilot Me
Jesus Shall Reign
Jesus The Very Thought Of Thee
Jesus Thou Joy Of Loving Hearts
Jesus What A Friend For Sinners
Joy To The World
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee
Just A Closer Walk With Thee
Just As I Am
Just Over In The Glory Land
King Of Kings Majesty
Lamb Of God We Fall Before Thee
Lead Kindly Light
Lead On O King Eternal
Lead Us Heavenly Father
Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Let All The World In Every Corner Sing
Let All Things Now Living
Let Us Break Bread Together
Let Us Talents And Tongues Employ
Let Us With A Gladsome Mind
Lift High The Cross
Lift Up Your Heads Ye Mighty Gates
Like A River Glorious
Living For Jesus(Chisholm)
Living For Jesus(Crosby)
Lo He Comes With Clouds Descending
Lord Enthroned In Heavenly Splendor
Lord I Want To Be A Christian In A My Heart
Lord I'm Coming Home
Lord Of All Hopefulness
Lord Speak To Me That I May Speak
Love Divine All Loves Excelling
Love Lifted Me
Loved With Everlasting Love
Low In The Grave He Lay
Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned
Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace
Man Of Sorrows What A Name
Many And Great O God
Marvelous Grace Of Our Loving Lord
May The Mind Of Christ My Savior
Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory
Moment By Moment(Dying With Jesus)
More About Jesus(Sweney)
More Love To Thee
Morning Has Broken
Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone
My Country Tis Of Thee
My Faith Has Found A Resting Place
My Faith Looks Up To Thee
My Father Is Rich In Houses And Lands
My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less
My Jesus I Love Thee
My Life My Love I Give To Thee
My Song Is Love Unknown
Nearer My God To Thee
Nearer Still Nearer
No Not One
Nothing But The Blood
Now Thank We All Our God
Now The Day Is Over
O Beautiful For Spacious Skies
O Could I Speak The Matchless Worth
O For A Closer Walk With God
O For A Thousand Tongues
O God Our Help In Ages Past
O Happy Day That Fixed My Choice
O How I Love Jesus
O Jesus I Have Promised
O Lord Of Heavn And Earth And Sea
O Love How Deep How Broad How High
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
O Master Let Me Walk With Thee
O Perfect Love
O Sacred Head Now Wounded
O Safe To The Rock That Is Higher Than I
O Say Can You See By The Dawns Early Light
O Sons And Daughters Let Us Sing
O To Be Like Thee
O Valiant Hearts
O What A Wonderful Wonderful Day
O Word Of God Incarnate William W How
O Worship The King
O Zion Haste
Of The Fathers Love Begotten
Oh Mary Dont You Weep
Old Time Religion
On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand(My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less)
On Jordans Bank The Baptists Cry
On Jordans Stormy Banks I Stand
Onward Christian Soldiers
Open My Eyes That I May See
Out Of My Bondage Sorrow And Night
Pass Me Not
Peace Perfect Peace
People Look East The Time Is Near
Power In The Blood Of Jesus
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
Praise Him Praise Him
Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven
Praise The Lord Ye Heavens Adore Him
Praise The Savior Ye Who Know Him
Praise To The Holiest In The Height
Praise To The Lord The Almighty
Praise Ye The Father For His Loving Kindness
Precious Lord Take My Hand
Precious Memories
Precious Moments
Redeemed How I Love To Proclaim It
Rejoice The Lord Is King
Rejoice Ye Pure In Heart
Rescue The Perishing
Revive Us Again
Rise Up O Men Of God
Rock Of Ages
Room At The Cross For You
Safe In The Arms Of Jesus
Savior Again To Thy Dear Name
Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us
Savior Thy Dying Love
Seek Ye First
Shall We Gather At The River
Simple Gifts
Simply Trusting Every Day
Since Jesus Came Into My Heart
Sing A New Song To The Lord He To Whom Wonders Belong
Sing Praise To God Who Reigns Above
Sing Praise To The Lord
Sing The Wondrous Love Of Jesus
Sing Them Over Again To Me Wonderful Words Of Life
Sitting At The Feet Of Jesus
Softly And Tenderly
Soldiers Of Christ Arise
Some Sweet Day By And By
Songs Of Thankfulness And Praise
Soul Of My Saviour
Sowing In The Morning(Bringing In The Sheaves)
Spirit Of God Descend Upon My Heart
Stand Up Stand Up For Jesus
Standing On The Promises
Sun Of My Soul
Sweet Hour Of Prayer
Sweetly Lord Have We Heard Thee Calling(Footsteps Of Jesus)
Take My Life And Let It Be
Take Up Thy Cross And Follow Me
Tell Me The Old Old Story
Tell Out My Soul The Greatness Of The Lord
Thank You Lord
The Churchs One Foundation
The Day Is Surely Drawing Near
The Day Of Resurrection
The Day Thou Gavest Lord Is Ended
The Great Physician Now Is Near
The Holy City
The King Of Love My Shepherd Is
The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns
The Lord Bless You And Keep You
The Lords My Shepherd(Crimond)
The People That In Darkness Sat
The Solid Rock(my Hope Is Built)
The Strife Is Oer
There Is A Balm In Gilead Spiritual
There Is A Fountain
There Is A Green Hill Far Away
There Is A Name I Love To Hear
There Is A Place Of Quiet Rest
There Is Never A Day So Dreary(Wonderful Wonderful Jesus)
There Is Power In The Blood
There Is Sunshine In My Soul
There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing
Theres A Call Comes Ringing(Send The Light)
Theres A Great Day Coming
Theres A Land That Is Fairer(Sweet By And By)
Theres A Wideness In Gods Mercy
Theres Not A Friend Like The Lowly Jesus
Thine Be The Glory
This Is My Fathers World
This Is The Day The Lord Hath Made
This Joyful Eastertide
This Little Light Of Mine
Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
Thou My Everlasting Portion(Close To Thee)
Tis Midnight And On Olives Brow
Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
To God Be The Glory
Trust And Obey
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus(C Soul Are You Weary And Troubled)
Up Calvarys Mountain(blessed Redeemer)
Victory In Jesus
Walking In Sunlight All Of My Journey(heavenly Sunlight)
We Are Marching On
We Are One In The Spirit By His Life We Are One
We Gather Together
We Give Thee But Thine Own
We Have Heard The Joyful Sound
We Plough The Fields And Scatter
We Praise Thee O God For The Son Of Thy Love
We Praise Thee O God Our Redeemer
We Walk By Faith An Not By Sight
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord
Weve A Story To Tell To The Nations
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
What If It Were Today(Jesus Is Coming To Earth Again)
What Wondrous Love Is This
When All My Labours And Trials Are Oer
When I Can Read My Title Clear
When I Saw The Cleansing Fountain(i Will Praise Him)
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
When Morning Gilds The Skies
When Peace Like A River Attendeth My Way
When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder
When The Saints Go Marching In
When Upon Lifes Billows You Are Tempest Tossed
When We All Get To Heaven
When We Walk With The Lord
Where Cross The Crowded Ways Of Life
Where He Leads Me
Who Is On The Lords Side Who Will Serve The King
Who Would True Valor See
Whosoever Heareth(whosoever Will)
Will The Circle Be Unbroken
Will Your Anchor Hold
Within The Fathers House
Wonderful Grace Of Jesus
Work For The Night Is Coming
Would You Be Free From The Burden Of Sin(power In The Blood)
Ye Servants Of God Your Master Proclaim
Yesterday Today Forever

There are also many other Christian pieces on this site which are included with other collections, e.g. the Children's Songs section contains quite a few.

E-Book - An Annotated Compendium of Old Time American Songs by James Alverson III


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